Friday, June 14, 2013

big deal

It was a big deal when you were born. When you took your first poop and peed on daddy . It was a big deal when you took your first smile. When you laugh in a tiny cry that you made. It was a big deal our first time changing your diaper. It was a big deal we got to hold you and realized how fragile you were. It was a big deal when you successfully breastfed and I felt so proud. It was a big deal ehen we gave you your first bath . It was a big deal when you finally drank enough of your bottle and we could take you home. It was a big deal when you were able to hold things. And when you sat up on your own. It was a big deal when you tried food for the first time. And when you played with the dogs. It was a big deal when your first tooth broke through through and when you started to crawl. It was all a big deal because you are our life.

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