Monday, April 15, 2013

Where does time go?!

Rowan is now 7 months! I can't believe it! Seriously...where does time go?? people weren't kidding when they said they grow up so fast. After realizing this, it made my decision to go back to work before the year is over easy. There is no way I want to miss any milestones or ANYTHING in his first year. After that even, but definitely in his first year...

Let's see where he is at, at this point... Rowan is:
1) Rolling from back to tummy and tummy to back
2) He now sleeps on his back instead of his tummy - NO idea why that happened
3) He is eating small amounts of solids. Unfortunately (because of constipation) his favourite thing is dairy. He loves yogurt and cream cheese.
4) When we hold his hand, he can hold himself up (standing). He is not yet sitting unassisted, but he is trying and can for a few seconds.
5) He can't crawl but he uses his arms to move around in a circle.
6) He bounces like a mad man in his jolly jumper

I'm sure I could go on and on about his little milestones.  Now - the unfortunately he is only 15 lbs. Only 1 more lb than he was at 5 months.  His pediatrician isn't concerned at this point. He just wants me to keep track of his weight and make sure he isn't losing weight because he is only in the 5th percentile. Having said that, he has tripled his birth weight being born at 4lbs 12oz!  So, in all honesty I'm not worried. He really is a fighter!! :)

We were having issues with serious constipation and after trying multiple methods (natural) including suppositories, the biggest improvement came from changing his formula from Similac Advanced to Good Start. Good Start actually has a noticeably lower amount of Iron in it which was just enough to help him out. What a relief! Something else I learned from this too is that President's Choice formula (without added Iron and Omega's) is pretty much the exact same as Nestle Good Start formula!  So, for those needing/wanting to keep their costs down (and who doesnt?!), PC's formula is a great option. The powered form costs only $13.99 compared to Good Start's 28.99! We often use the liquid cans for convenience and it is only $27.99 for a case!

An even BIGGER announcement is that Rowan is now SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! WOO HOO!!
Music to my ears!!

It was very hard to do, but we did sleep training with him. After doing A LOT of reading of methods and trying (although halfheartedly), we came to the conclusion that we were just going to use Dr. Ferber's method. I spoke to a few ladies at baby group I go to and they used this method with great success, so I decided to try it. I'm not going to say its easy. Listening to your child scream and cry at 2am isn't exactly easy, but I will say it is FAST. This method worked after only 3 nights!  I know many people have mixed feelings about this method of training and because of that parents must do what works for them and what they are most comfortable with. I also believe though that the method itself is misunderstood. You do not simply close the door and let your baby cry for as long as it takes while never comforting it. We went in every 15 minutes, put our hand on his back then left gradually stretching it out to 30 minutes. Anything more is too stimulating for Rowan and it keeps him up.
So, at the end of the day I am now sleeping!! :) I can now go to bed and read for a bit or watch a movie before bed because I know I'm going to get enough sleep. I can not even explain how exciting this is for me! It's important to be grateful for the simple things in life and you learn that when you become a parent.

So as Rowan has his afternoon nap, I wanted to take the time just to reflect and "report" on how things have been going.

I will go now and the chronicles will continue at another time!

Cheers and Blessed Be,


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