Friday, January 4, 2013

The Chicken with her Head Cut Off...

4:30 hits and it becomes time to make supper. Adam typically gets home at 5:30.. but what is typical anyways for him? 30 minutes late or an hr? so I make it anyway so at least I can have the time I make supper to rely on, even if the time we eat isn't.  Having him home a little earlier though (or on time) would be sooooo much easier because then I wouldn't be a chicken with my head cut off. I set Rowan down in his swing in the kitchen as he finishes screaming (as usual) and throw the chicken into the glass pan and toss it into the Oven. I've now set up Rowan's swing with his Lamaze Octupus and Bright Star light up iPad to keep him going between each  "Hey| and "you're so cute." Just as I start chopping up the Veggies the dog decides they need to go out.. so, I have to stop what I'm doing and let them out. I go back to what I'm doing for another 10 minutes until they decide to scratch at the door again to be let in because its "freezing" outside - it is -.5! My dogs are huge wimps.
I like to clean up after myself right away, so I go to pick up all the left over veggies and put them into a bag to carry to garbage and what happens? there is a hole and ALL the veggies fall onto the floor!! ... This is when I'm thankful I have dogs! Between all the stirs and flipping of food, I make stops at Rowan's swing to pick up his toy he keeps dropping and pressing the buttons on his leap pad to make it flash and sing. I get the joy of listening to "I've been working on the railroad" over and over. He HAS figured out how to press the buttons now. At 4 months (not even) I have to say that is actually pretty impressive. Its now 5:30pm and Rowan required the soothing as boredom sets in. He gets bored very quickly. Adam is not yet home (not surprising) and I'm pretty sure my chicken and potato wedges are a little more than slightly burnt.  At this point though, I commend myself for having a full, half healthy meal cooked while attending to a very needy baby and dogs (that are equally as needy). It may be slightly burnt but I'm still proud of it. It just isn't as easy to make a meal as it was before.... or go the bathroom! ha ha :p Thats ok though. it's the life of a mommy I guess.
Some days I picture myself and think I probably look like one of those characters out of "For Better or Worse" with the baby on her hip, laundry all over the floor and her hair all frazzled.

This is just one of those evenings where I pour myself a glass of Sangria and smile! :) I know I'll look back and laugh at this one day.

Love always


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